Thursday, March 17, 2005

My random ramble for today regards a long term problem that this great Australian Country has. As a nation we claim anyone who is willing to call Australia home (and some that aren’t) as long as they are successful. I plan to lead a campaign to stop this embarrassing and unnecessary stupidity!

Example 1: Russell Crowe is NOT AUSTRALIAN

People like to think Russell is Australian, Russell likes to think Russell is Australian, but the fact remains Russell is a ‘sweet as’ New Zealand bro!
I heard an interview with Russell and some NZ radio DJs and they were quizzing him on which country he most identified with. Through the interview Russell preached his Aussie-ness, but the last question cracked him which was, “Who do you support the Wallabies or The All Blacks?” Of course Russell said The All Blacks, and no man who supports the All Blacks can be an Australian! I rest my case.