Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Gripe of the week

Every man and his dog seems to have a mobile phone these days. Everyone from the 10 year old kid to the 75 year old Grannie are making use of this new technology. But no-one teaches them mobile phone etiquette. I think society has now turned on anyone who uses their phone during a meeting, in a cinema or in an art gallery but there still seems to be a number of grey areas as to what is appropriate. My current annoyance are people who use their mobile phone and wave in the crowd at sporting events to find their friend who is somewhere in the same arena. Listening to some guy yell into his mobile phone…
“I’m below the Tooheys sign… No not that one, the one to the left….. yeah now look three rows down…. No down…. No, not that far….Yeah I’m wearing a wallabies jumper….. No! The other side of the ground!!!”
Whoever you are, you aren’t that important. If you were you wouldn’t do it.
If you are one of these people please consider the following:

You obviously already know they are in the same stadium, who cares if you can see them or not. Is it really that amazing that you are both in the same place?
There are people all around you also waving, so telling your friend to look for the guy waving isn’t going to help.
The people behind you actually came to see the game, not the back of your arse while you wave like an idiot.
Once you find them, what are you going to do? No, I’m serious… really, I want you to think about it!

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