Friday, March 02, 2007

I have been going to the same hair dresser for almost 20 years, since I was a kid in primary school. For some reason I cope a bit of grief about this from my friends....anyway thats another story. Last year a work colleague discovered that he also went to the same hair dresser for his hair cuts. Not that surprising since we live in the same area so I really didn't think it was massive news. He would often ask me when my next appointment was, and then tell me when his next appointment was, it was scintillating conversation. The problems started when this colleague, who is about 20 years older than me, would randomly bring up the fact that we visited the same hair dresser to other people at work. Now I found this a bit embarrassing, but I didn't really care. However my annoyance stepped up a level when after several months this colleague started to get the exact same hair cut as me. He was a hair-cut-copier!
Then when he brought up our shared hair dresser he would kind of point to his hair and my hair, as if to say, "We go to the same hair dresser, can't you tell!?"
In my opinion this was going too far! Something had to be done! So combined with the fear that I had reached the last hair style of my life, I have decided to grow my hair longer. Maybe I will grow a mullet.